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Such a promising boy - were the words of my Career Counsellor after 7 Minutes of Conversation with me about my aspirations.
What laid behind was actually a potential psychological trap: a lifetime of striving to fulfill this promise.The urge of that constant push keeping in mind Yes,I deserve even more till I get that satisfactory call from inside .It is the curse of some people. “He just needs to find out what he really wants,” people say. His shortcomings are overlooked and his successes admired for the ease with which they are achieved. To begin with, he profits from this attractive yet fatal combination of talent and charisma. That is, until the stupid ones become hard- working:
The trap opens as soon as others’ expectations of you and your actual achievements diverge too much. Normally a talented person cruises along until a crisis point is reached. The way to go is to promise 80 and deliver 120.

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